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Unison Live Workers Fund

July 05, 2022

Indigenous Live Music Workers are invited to apply for the UNISON Live Workers Fund.

The Government of Canada recently announced the Unison Fund as a recipient of the Canada Performing Arts Workers Resilience Fund. Unison provides financial and mental health assistance and will use this funding to help live music professionals via their new funding stream, the Live Music Workers Fund.

The International Indigenous Music Summit and the Unison Fund are proud to support each other to help Indigenous artists and live music workers (in music industry spaces) with financial support following the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes folks who are: music artists (singer/songwriters), and those affiliated with performers (such as: booking agents, composers, producers, and more).

The application process is EASY and will take about 20-50 minutes, depending on if you have your artistic/performance resume/biography complete.
Eligible applicants who provide a complete application may receive $2500 of financial support.

Once you have selected a Fund, Submit Your Eligibility by:

You will then be returned to the Contact Information. Now, SELECT ‘Application’ to complete your application. Here you will need to :

Next, just wait, and the team will be in touch with you soon :)

If you have questions, please check the Frequently Asked Questions page. For technical and accessibility-related questions, please reach out to 416-479-0675 ext. 106 or

If you have additional questions about your application, use the Notes section within the application portal to send notes to the Unison team.

Please also use this section to check for responses from the Unison team.